Avid Rhetoric

Avid \ ‘a-vəd \ characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit

Rhetoric \ ˈre-tə-rik  \ the art of speaking or writing effectively

This page exists as a platform for to share thoughts on a variety of issues.  I love to write, but until now, my primary outlet was Facebook.  As I watched my pithy contributions disappear into the web-ether, I realized I wanted a more permanent address for what I have to share.  My aspirations for this site include:

  • Document the stuff that comes to mind.
  • Parlay my amazing writing talent into fame and fortune.*

So, enjoy this.  Or not.  I am not trying to change the world.  I will be happy to enlighten a few minds.

As for the name, yes, I chose very flattering terms to being.  I make no promises that the content will be “art”.  That would be ludicrous.  The name denotes what I want to make of the effort.  I want to paint my thoughts with words, here, rather than in some comment stream that will die in 0.0432 seconds.  

*this is not a serious aspiration