Knowing Your (Lack) of Worth

You frequently see articles guiding us to know our worth. We are encouraged to believe the best in ourselves, to trust that there is a place for us in the world, that we belong and are important. These sentiments are always given with the best of intentions, but what happens when you cannot find value in who you are? What do you do when a number of indications arise that point to your lack of value?

I recall one of the first times I really questioned whether I had value in this world. I was a young engineer at a cable company in East Texas. I don’t think it is completely uncommon for someone my age to leave college with less than a full compliment of experience and maturity necessary to adequately assess every scenario and adjust accordingly. I was eager to begin, dressing in a nice shirt and khaki slacks to impress those who hired me. The minute I entered the facility, I was judged as a typical engineer, too important to be with others where I would get dirty and sweat and struggle. So, I kicked my first day off at what I figured was pretty much bottom. 

When I left work around 6 pm that night, I bought work boots, jeans, and comfortable shirts to fit in. I was living alone at the time so I did not have anyone or anything demanding me to be away from work, so I decided a good way to impress was to work hard and stay until I was done. Given I was staying until 7-8 pm most nights, I was not super concerned that I might get in around 8:05-8:10 pm. Looking back now I realize how naive I was to think that those paid twice what I was making would consider it part of their duties to gather more information than arrival time, but then I figured that anything I was doing wrong would receive the same brutal response I received for my attire on day one.

Fast forward 6 months. I had started to develop a strong relationship with my fellow engineers and, more importantly, the operators and maintenance crews in the plant. They watched as sweat poured from my brow while I turned a wrench in 130 degree heat above extruders. They appreciated that my degree hadn’t clouded my respect for their effort. Yeah, I was still a city slicker, but I worked as hard and as dirty as anyone else there, so I was doing ok. I walked in on that fateful day and my boss immediately pulled me into his office, where the HR manager was sitting as well. Jimmy was a sniveling jackass who spent the first 1-2 hours of his day juggling his testicles while he slurped black coffee and socialized with everyone in the office. In the movie of my life, Steve Buscemi would be the perfect actor to play him. Bill, the HR manager, was a really odd guy. Not so much a bad person, as just the typical HR rep – plays like he is your friend but will slip a knife in your back while telling you the cut won’t be fully covered by insurance.

So, I settled into the couch in Jimmy’s office. Things seemed pleasant enough until Jimmy stated that I would be put on probation for 6 months due to my tardiness arriving at work. I was dumbfounded. Never once did a single person state that what I was doing wrong. There were no official hours. People came in much later all the time, and few stayed as late as I did. I asked what prevented them from mentioning the issue to me before, and they mumbled something like it was up to me to recognize the issue. I stumbled out of the office and worked my way back to the oil pits, a place few people wanted to be. I sobbed quietly, feeling like a failure, but more trying to understand how much people must have hated me to not even warn me that this was an issue.

I survived and worked there several years after that. I royally pissed Jimmy off by forcing him to shred that piece of paper the second he arrived on the day my 6 month probation was up. It was my first of many experiences where I should have learned that people won’t extend themselves to help or mentor others.

Today I have a similar low feeling. I have worked for my current company for almost 12 years. I have worked nights, weekends, holidays. I am always up for a challenge and consistently deliver results and performance that few others seem capable to offer. There are plenty of places where I do fail. I have grown tired and wary of interpersonal work relationships. I have been burned more times than I wish to recall, so I am probably someone people consider cold or unfeeling. I can be blunt and even brutal in my assessments and statements, and people know I have little patience for wasted time. I have never made the mistake of ever thinking that there is a workplace that would want me at a higher level, so I have always kept my goals reasonable. I rarely voice an opinion about my work, foolishly hoping it speaks for itself.

I have a coworker, a peer, who is moving to a new role. She is being backfilled and shared the job posting with us to see if we might know of anyone interested. When I checked the posting, I realized it was for a level above me. My shock turned to anger when I realized it unsurprisingly listed my exact job function. Not once did my manager mention to me that he was thinking of adding someone at a level higher, encouraging me to go for it. He has never stated what it is about me that limits my potential, something most all of my managers have struggled to offer in my career. What they fail to understand is that telling that me I am not performing to their expectations may be painful, but not telling me is far worse. My guess is had I not paid attention to the posting, my boss would have been perfectly fine hiring someone else for the roll, paying them more, and expecting me to support their success through training and guidance.

Mind you, I have no problem with someone being hired over me. What is so difficult is I have been doing all that was listed and more for years. I have helped by bosses look like geniuses. I have even saved the career of one. I tackle huge projects and regularly save our company large amounts of money. What hurts is what came when I asked about the role. I IM’ed my boss, asking what happened and why this wasn’t mentioned to me, even as a courtesy. I could tell this caught him off-guard, because the “XXXX is typing” kept flashing on and off. When he finally mustered the courage to say something, he told me that I offer a lot to the company in many ways, and that I should apply to the job.

So, the person my boss comes to in times of crisis, who is regularly the guy who supports huge, urgent projects, doesn’t merit enough consideration to be approached to say “Hey Greg, just so you know, we are backfilling Ellen’s role with a position that is a step up. I will be happy to discuss why we are not automatically promoting you to this role and backfilling your job, as I am sure this may be potentially disturbing news.” I know people generally have little concern for my emotional well-being. Somehow I have forged this persona that people seem to believe is impervious to pain or harm and doesn’t require gestures of care. It is absolutely stupid to think that someone would ever take the few seconds necessary to think more of their fellow coworker. So, here I am, crying next to the oil pits, wondering how I earn that place of value in the eyes of others.

So, yeah, fuck off with that “worth” bullshit. I work hard to own what I am worth to this world, but I am also aware that others rarely feel the same way. 

Awareness or Acceptance? A Bit of Both

I have tried to write this at least half a dozen times, not really knowing what to say or how to say it.  I have thousands of words stammering around about my childhood, my struggles, my epiphany, never really hitting the right note.  I couldn’t help but wonder if it was procrastination; me being unwilling to come to grips with the inevitable conclusion. I realize now that is not the case.  The time and care I am taking with this message has nothing to do with apprehension and everything to do with respect to the issue at hand.

I will eventually get around to a deeper assessment of how I got to this point, but suffice it to say that I have never felt fully comfortable in my own skin.  I have always marveled at people who just own themselves.  It isn’t about arrogance or even overt confidence, rather, it is about calm existence.  I have never enjoyed this peace.  I have always felt too young, too old, too wimpy, too intimidating, too creepy, too caring, too emotional, too angry, too weird, too opinionated, too quiet, too talkative, too drunk, too sober, too persistent, too ambivalent, too ruthless, too dispassionate.  I hoped I could think my way out of it, but that was never possible, in part, because I am always thinking.  I thought that the fact that my brain seemed to be managing dozens of threads of thought made me some sort of savant.  I never realized that it was actually a survival mechanism.

I made it about 48 years propping up an unsteady facade, putting on a face that seemed capable, confident, intelligent, caring, and strong.  I had hit a stride where I was so convinced that me being abnormal was normal that discomfort was just the way it was meant to be.  Then I had an event that changed everything.  Seemingly minor, and likely so for most people, it shook me far more than it should have.  I could not come to grips why this likely unintended questioning of my integrity had such a profound impact on me.  I sunk into a deepness I had not experienced before.  I monitored every interaction and tallied every affront.  I started to obsess with how I was treated by others, and how I reacted to everything.  The harder I worked to achieve success, the more I seemed to fail.  Granted, this had occurred before, but never in the triumvirate of my life – family, occupation, self.  I sought out the advice of a therapist, which was a momentary boost to my morale, but failed to identify the root cause of my distress.  It was actually one of the people I seemed to consistently fail who broached the potential reason for my crisis.

When the possible cause was first mentioned, I had the immediate reaction that I was too smart and did not show any of the signs.  For a kid growing up with Rain Man being a favorite movie, I always viewed the two characters as halves of the perfect being – Tom Cruise as dashing, charming, and supremely confident while Dustin Hoffman as the brilliant, regimented, focused, and sensitive.  I guess as a kid I would have always said Charlie was my favorite character, but I also had this odd reverence for Raymond, not because he was nicer, but because he was special.  It always stuck with me that I had some sort of connection with Raymond and found Charlie so distant, like an unobtainable goal.  I shared this movie with my daughter recently while I was journaling about this and it struck me that I had little in common with Charlie and so much that I could understand with Raymond.  Of course, I am thankful that my condition does not manifest with the severe challenges depicted in the film, but I realized that I was embarrassed by my initial reaction to the amateur diagnosis.  Having watched Atypical during my acknowledgement of this was a bit like an instruction manual for life as neuro-diverse, whereas, Rain nan was a bit deeper to the heart of the matter, the struggle to really gain acceptance of a condition while also being who you are.

While I have not sought out an official diagnosis yet, I have taken tests, followed TikTok accounts, read innumerable posts on Facebook, and poured over many other accounts of what makes up the conditions generally described as Autism Spectrum Disorder.  For those of you more versed in this, I apologize if I have not fully grasped the appropriate terminology.  I am still struggling a bit with whether Aspergers, which seems to best fit my situation, is the right term, or if I am just in the “highly-functional” range of the spectrum (quotes intended to demonstrate my discomfort with that nomenclature).  Once I discarded any shred of embarrassment about this condition, I was able to absorb and accept the information with growing glee.  Every time I read a symptom or hear a story about an experience from someone on TikTok, it was like drinking the freshest water on the hottest day.  I could barely believe how the symptoms described me.  Clumsiness? Check. Preferring solitary activities?  Check. Hypersensitivity to noises that don’t seem to bother others? Check.  Frequent monologues on a subject?  Yes, and anyone who knows me would whole-heartedly agree.  I have never understood why my intense black and white view of right and wrong, my easy ambivalence to situations that make others emotional, my utter confusion over office politics, and my inability to read the emotions of others put people off so much.  Rather than a world of questions, I now seem to have answers.  I always felt that somehow my incompatibility with others was my fault, that I was forever destined to be misaligned with others, and I was responsible.  While it is reassuring to know that this may be something inherently beyond my control, it is far greater relief to have a reason for my behavior and thoughts, because now, rather than exerting myself to hide, or mask, my nature, I can invest my energy into understanding myself, and offering that explanation to others.

So, yes, I am weird, clumsy, anxious, and dismissive of certain rituals or personal politics I don’t understand.  I am also honest, loyal, direct, and persistent.  I will bore those I care about with the most mundane details of local politics or the MCU, but I will also defend and support those people to my last breath.  While I can be a painful adversary, I am also a dedicated friend.  I am certain I have perplexed, or outright pissed off, anyone who has read this far at some point in our relationship.  I write this with a couple of intentions in mind.  First, my hope is that it brings a bit of understanding. I am not normal.  I did not start on the same path as most of you, I was on my own path.  I have not diverged into oddity, I was always there.  My way is as natural for me as yours is for you.  Of course, I will have to realize that there are far more people in my life who are deemed NT than ND, so I will have to adjust my interactions if I wish to have any.  These adjustments will no longer be an effort in building a false representation; rather, they will be an effort to blunt some of the more bracing aspects of my nature.  Second, I hope that, in some small way, I have given some pause to consider that there isn’t really one right way to be.  Of course, no condition that inflicts harm on others should be accepted, but I encourage people to consider the value of what they may not understand.  Appreciate that those who are different are not necessarily incongruent to normalcy, but complimentary.  There is a lot of controversy in the autism community about the original emblem for the condition, the puzzle piece.  Some view it as those on the spectrum contorting themselves to fit in with NT’s.  I do not agree with this perspective.  I view the puzzle piece as an apt description of what it is like to mesh with each other in society.  I fit in a way that is different from others, but I still fit. 


What I witnessed yesterday at the Capitol was so disheartening. I have always assumed that the vast majority of our nation was above the political tyranny we see in other nations. I would not blink an eye to see a mob overrun the capitols of other nations, but I also never believed that would be possible here. This is where our nation has arrived during the journey under Trump as president. We are no longer talking about racists, misogynists, or ignorant bigots. QANON and Parler are not solely responsible for where we are today. We must face the fact that we are a nation under siege by a new confederacy, not one marked by a latitudinal line, but one split between love for our nation and all it embodies, and those who are willing to destroy it in the name of a demented terrorist.

Make no mistake, the insane zealots running around the capitol are not the only ones who are at fault, nor are the bigoted grannies clutching their pearls when a PoC comes into view or the meekly endowed rednecks roaring past in their raised 2004 Toyota Tacomas with black smoke belching out of the back. Also to blame are the third-party assholes who know their votes would be meaningless but think the gold standard or vegan food are the pathways to future bliss. Consider the ⅓ of eligible voters who could not be bothered to show up to a precinct to vote. Some combination of ignorance and insolence led most of them to once again ignore the civic duty that is currently in peril.

This has culminated in the black and white status of our nation. Those who find the events of yesterday some of the most disturbing in our nation’s history, who wish to hold all those who support the terrorists and their leaders accountable, those who know freedom and peace are not based on race, gender, or the person you love, versus those who wish to dismantle this Great Experiment in the name of a vain, self-hating lunatic. There is no longer middle ground. If you are uncomfortable assailing those who continue to support trump in his dwindling minions, join them. If you are not comfortable supporting Biden, Harris, Pelosi, or Schumer in their quest to dig us out of this quagmire, fuck off. If you think this is all too much to handle…it is. Here is your pat on the back. Now that the coddling is done, WAKE THE FUCK UP, READ SOMETHING FROM A CREDIBLE NEWS SOURCE, AND EDUCATE YOURSELF ON HOW FUCKED WE ARE.

My Epiphany About Facebook

I will fully admit, I love Facebook. I am an introvert, so I have always viewed the social media platform as a way for me to maintain relationships without the energy investment that other forms of connection would require. In many ways, it has proven to be more than I could imagine…part journal, part portal to the world, part opportunity to connect with others. While it can still be those things for me, it is also clear that it can exact a far greater toll than I ever realized.

I have become somewhat known locally on a few of the Facebook pages. What I view as providing a foil to bigots, assholes, and bullies, is viewed by others as being an arrogant, fat, lazy troll in my mother’s basement. I have a come to the realization that assessment is false; my mother passed away years ago, and I unfortunately do not have a basement.

There is no question that the platform is full of horrendous people. Living in a heavily conservative community, the entitled disregard for others oozes from the pores of many of my fellow citizens. I guess when I looked back to the pre-internet days, it was not always a bad thing that the world was frequently a mystery. Sure, I would not likely know about COVID19 death rates in Sweden, monoliths in Utah, or Trump’s latest infantile tirade, but I would also not know just how prevalent assholery is in my community.

As I progress through a better understanding of myself, it is becoming increasingly clear that I share some traits with those on the Autism Spectrum. I am early in this effort, so it is still unclear where I am, but there is no doubt that I share many of the characteristics that those with Aspergers exhibit. I rate everything, am prone to frustration when plans change, have an exaggerated view of right/wrong, and am extremely tenacious when it comes to addressing inequities, among other similarities. I have always pondered why I am weird or different, why people cannot understand my view, and why I struggle to understand theirs. People have always wanted to know why I fight so hard with complete strangers on a wide variety of issues, and I think I may know the answer.

I have always enjoyed a good debate. I invest a lot of time in being informed, and I love learning about things. In particular, I have always enjoyed political discussions. There was a time, seemingly a lifetime ago, when various political views could be discussed with respect and some semblance of understanding. That changed early this century, when it seemed we started to see a radicalization of views that exited the far corners of society and became more mainstream, likely due, in part, to the presence of the internet and platforms like this. With the more polarized discussions I found a new passion for not only standing up for my beliefs, but for others who I felt were being disparaged or marginalized in the process. Facebook was a tremendous tool for access to those conversations and the opportunity to exact revenge against my enemies.

As someone who has always been clearly different, it has become second nature for me to try to prove the validity of who I am and what i believe. I compose cogent thoughts quickly and can type pretty fast, meaning that I can produce a substantive argument with little effort. I am also extremely tenacious with my views, so I will leverage my prose to hammer a point home, frequently leading to exhaustion in my opponents. I have developed a reputation for this online, with a fairly large number of people absolutely despising me. I have sliced through many faceless entities online because of their local or national politics, or malicious religious, cultural, or racial views. People have always asked why do I bother arguing with them when I know they won’t change. I fully understand that someone who hates Obama because he is Black or laughs at Elliot Paige for coming to grips with who they are will likely never change, but what I despise is the idea that people in those communities hear those comments while others who could be allies comfortably sit aside and watch. I just cannot stand the idea that bullies get to win.

Recently, I caught myself in a conversation where my aggressiveness had consequences. It was about the most mundane of subjects – whether a water tower should be painted. The current iteration is deteriorating, but the tower is no longer in use, so the question is whether the paint should be maintained. Some of those commenting were aghast that there was a suggestion of allowing the situation to remain unresolved because the tower lists the 1993 State Championship football team. Being particularly annoyed by the way high school football has driven some of the efforts to normalize life during the pandemic, I spoke up, dismissing the call to maintain the tower as is, instead suggesting other, more recent accomplishments be recognized. I proceeded with my effective argument while, unbeknownst to me, people were grieving the violent death of the player who scored the winning touchdown in that very championship game. My comments were leveraged by those who despise me to indicate that I was actually mocking this athlete’s death.

Despite my efforts to apologize to those who were offended, particularly a teammate of the player, the anger grew. The racist involved in fanning the flames was far more effective at stoking these fires than I as at putting them out. In the end, it resulted in him sharing a photo of me with the player and other teammates, with the implication that they will consider doing me harm.

This is most certainly not the first time that I have faced this type of reaction to my views. I have been threatened with physical violence, doxxing, damage to my property, and other forms of attack. I know that people who fail to measure up intellectually frequently resort to these actions to intimidate or silence others. I never cared, because I felt I was doing the right thing in standing up.

I cannot completely pinpoint what it has been about the most recent issue that triggered a different view. I am always in several contentious discussions, and I have joined a new group that is astoundingly awful, giving me wide berth to deliver magnificent amounts of damage to a very worthy contingent of the populace. Any of these may have been the decision that allowed something to click – I have to reassess the value of these activities to my life.

When I think back to my discussions on Facebook, I can see why people would wonder what in the hell am I thinking. What could I be getting from the experience? Why would I invest that time in something so fruitless? I am starting to understand the questions. While I mentioned the fact that I felt justified in my actions because I was being an advocate for others, there was no question I was also building something within myself based on the pain of others. Sure, the vast majority of those receiving the abuse from me thoroughly deserved it, so inflicting that on them was not the problem. The issue is that I was building some sort of confidence or self-esteem on the shoulders of people I found despicable. It should always feel great to enrage a bigot, but if part of my purpose is to prove I am better than those people, have I set much of a bar for myself?

Now, some may view this as “love everybody” or “be best”, but that could not be further from the truth. I think we should always take every opportunity to shut down and embarrass bigots and bullies. It seems like measuring a cup of milk using a thimble. I can splash a lot of thimbles milk into the bowl, but I have no accurate measure of where I stand when done. This helpless feeling is further exacerbated by lack of feedback from like minds. The assumption that a silent, supportive audience exists seems like a myth. If we are to encourage supportive behaviors for those who are marginalized, we have to, you know, support that behavior. I can see the people who hate me clearly, every day, but the support, the backup, is rarely there. I try to lead by example, by jumping in and backing those who are getting beat up, but rarely is that favor returned. This leads me to believe that my efforts are not as meaningful to others as I had hoped.

The most painful realization I had is that I have neglected those who do love or care about me. I may not ever understand what drives me to want to exert time lashing out at enemies with no tangible reward, when it is abundantly clear that those I love will bring me so much more joy. For this, I apologize to them. Somewhere in my brain I struggle to understand why people would care about me. I cannot tell if it is part of being somewhere on the spectrum (if I actually am) or if it is a result of never actually feeling “normal”. Rather than bother and annoy those with whom I cannot fully understand why they care about me, it seemed more logical to slice apart assholes. Yes, that makes no sense. I write it and it makes no sense. When you grow up with this belief that you are normal but few seem to agree, not a lot makes sense. Anyway, enough of the excuses…for those who know who they are, I deeply apologize. I do not care if there is something wired in my brain to allow me to behave in a manner that is hard to understand; I am certain at some point my treatment has been hurtful. If I were a blind man and knocked over a vase in someone’s house, I wouldn’t necessarily be something that I was able to prevent, but I would still owe the owner an apology and be responsible for the outcome. So, if I start bugging you more than usual, it is probably just my mental pendulum swinging too far the other way. I am more than happy to be told that a correction is in order.

I have a game plan to ease this transition. As mentioned, I will make myself more available to those who consistently make my life a better one. I am going to funnel my efforts towards more personally beneficial ventures – Cricut projects, coding in something like Python, photography, writing, woodworking…Tik Toks? I am also going to see what I may be able to offer charitable causes with my newfound free time. What I will refrain from doing is expending my talents and remaining time on people who are not worthy.

Handling trump

A thought about trump and his current behavior….

This cannot be a surprise. A man who mocks the disabled cannot be expected to approach this situation with grace. Even though he has lost many, many times, he is genetically predisposed to refuse to accept any form of defeat. So, maybe we just let the recounts and the delays happen? Let him fury tweet and not respond or get upset about it. He has been nothing for a decade, so why not just treat him as such. Focus on court cases and monitor the progress of efforts to disregard the will of the people, but otherwise let him flail in agony.

Keep in mind, this is the same administration that confused Four Seasons Tree and Landscaping for a Four Seasons hotel. What realistically can the Biden administration expect to learn during a transition from them? He is already demonstrating what effective, unifying leadership looks like, which his a magnificent contrast to the toddler currently squatting in the White House.

The focus really needs to be Georgia, where voters will have to do more courageous work for the Democrats across the nation. They can ensure we can neuter McConnell and ensure that productive legislation can proceed. They can ensure that Biden can select his cabinet and judges without delays.

One other thing…this is not a call for unity of our society. Those who continue to support trump deserve to be reminded of their failure to the rest of the residents of our nation and the citizens of the world. They deserve to know that we will not comfort bigotry or hate, that ignorance is not an excuse, and that America is driving to regain respectiblity worldwide. There is no meeting in the middle with those who use race, sexual orientation, or gender as reasons to disparage or subjugate others. It is long past due that we stand our ground for what is right for all Americans and establish that the only pathway to unity will involve acknowledging the disgraceful fall of the GOP and it’s platform based on hatred and abridgement of freedoms.

Thoughts on Bernie vs. Biden – Part 1

I get that people don’t love Biden, but you aren’t really supposed to be lead with your heart when you vote for someone. This is not your buddy or friend or uncle. This is the person who is going to lead the executive branch.

Biden won’t get M4A, won’t eliminate student loan debt, set up completely free college, institute a $15 minimum wage, or pass the laws necessary to implement the Green New Deal. Guess what..neither will Sanders. What Biden will do is reverse the dangerous EO’s that trump has implemented, return our nation to its previous course, assign capable justices to the Federal Judiciary, rebuild the state department, and restore our credibility in the world.

Bernie has established that he is not a democrat, that he will not compromise, and that he has an affinity for brutal dictators and is willing to legitimize rogue regimes. He should understand that he will be equated with socialism, and outside a tiny fraction of the party who revels at that, the rest of the electorate hates the thought of anyone remotely socialistic becoming president. Instead of working to establish that he has no interested in socialism and proving that his policies are not socialism, he just shrugs his shoulders.

One other thing, people keep wanting to make claims about Biden’s mental health, yet seem to have forgotten that Bernie had a heart attack less than a year ago.

The leftists who are desperate to institute this pseudo-socialism need to get their act together and start building support for their policies at the state and local level, then hit the federal congressional level, before they can expect to be taken seriously.

My Struggle to Select a Nominee

Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Warren, Klobuchar, Steyer, and, yes, still Gabbard.  This has been a bewildering and stressful nomination process to this point, and I have struggled to decide who to pick for the nomination.  It goes without saying that each candidate, even the one whose experience is limited to governing a small city, will be a massive improvement over the current POTUS cancer we are suffering.  I would never have imagined this to be so hard, but here we are, seven or so candidates and not a single one making the case that they are the one.  So, here is how I have come to my conclusion.

Join the cool kids…

Somehow, a septuagenarian has wooed the youth vote.  Bernie gave one of the most qualified candidates a run for her money, so what is not to love?  
Maybe his obnoxious debate style? His tedious assertion that compromise is evil? His inability to simply state that Castro and other communist dictators suck and no value they may have added to their countries is worth praising?  Seriously, someone needs to sit this guy down an explain to him that political polish isn’t a sin.
Girl power…
I was all in with Hillary.  She had everything you could hope for in a candidate.  Every log of excrement she has expelled has more character than the asshole she lost the electoral vote to.  Amy and Elizabeth are also very capable candidates.  Amy apparently is a bit of a pain to her employees and occasionally eats salad with her comb and Elizabeth has decided to take down every corporate structure and billionaire in the name of the people, but they have their merits.  Amy is a Senator from a battleground state with a strong senate record.  Elizabeth combines a similarly strong record with an affable, nerdy quality.  Each one has every reason to believe they could be successful as the first female president of the United States.  The downside? Well, Amy hardly a household name.  She usually seems slightly overwhelmed during debates, and she is just not “grabby” enough as a politician to enthuse voters.  Warren is loud.  Not by Bernie standards, but she is very dogmatic when it comes to financial institutions and big corporations.  She is almost always right, but so was Gore, and look where that got him.

Billions and billion$…

If the general election could be won by the richest candidates, the democrats would finally be able to come to the table with some formidable candidates.  Bloomberg blows them all away with his wealth.  I am actually surprised I have not received a stipend yet to vote for him in the primary.  The dude could buy and sell trump and Steyer a several times over and still purchase a small nation.  The dude is oozing wealth.  He was also a relatively successful mayor of NYC, as long as you do not consider things like racist police procedures and sexual harassment in your calculations.  Steyer did something at some point to get his $1.6 billion, and he did something political, but in reality he is just a moderate, boring, rich white guy.  These guys should have just backed someone instead of taking their milquetoast bullshit on the road for all to see.

Mayor Pete…

Let’s face it, South Bend sucks.  Home of nauseating Notre Dame, its only redeeming quality is that it has one of the best Asian restaurants I have ever visited, though I cannot recall which one it was.  As mayor of a small city, what could he really have faced that would have prepared him to run the most powerful nation in history?  The short answer is nothing.  The longer answer is still the same.  His time in the military helps a tiny bit, but his greatest strength is that he is the type of guy you want to be president.  Intelligent, compassionate, and calming, he screams “safe” as a choice.  The current president had far less experience and no apparent intelligence, so Pete would still be a significant boost in executive credibility.


I mean, you can’t be serious…

Good ole Uncle Joe

In his fourth attempt to lead the country, Joe was instantly the frontrunner for the nomination, much to the chagrin of Sanders supporters.  He weathered a few hits early on in his campaign, but, as is classic Biden, his greatest foil was himself.  Simply put, he talks too long about stuff he doesn’t know as well as he wants to know.  He frequently debates like it is his first time.  He is definitely they guy you want to have a beer with, and he is probably the nicest candidate running.  Though some have tried to smear him as creepy, most who are not ardent supporters seem to circle around the age issue, or some affect related to that.  Of course, Bernie had a heart attack this year and Elizabeth Warren will be the oldest democratic nominee in history should she win, but for some reason Biden is catching flack for his age.

I have gone over it again and again.  I was playing scenarios where a candidate dropped and joined another who could go on to become the dream team.  I considered throwing my support to the candidate who might finally drag progressives to the polls in such stunning numbers that trump would be thoroughly defeated and destroyed.  I have considered scenarios where I could comfortably vote for any of the candidates (except for Tulsi…fuck Tulsi).  After I had thoroughly confessed myself about it, I finally came around to a single, clear question I needed to answer.  Which candidate will show up in the White House on day one and will immediately make me feel good about things again?  Not which candidate would turn the planet on its ear or would solve every single problem we have faced in the pat 50 years on the first day.  Who is most likely to hit up the leaders of other nations and reassure them that things are now, finally, going to be OK again.  Who will just be the president, boring and capable but also willing to roll back the disastrous decisions that trump as made during his reign.

The only answer that keeps coming to mind is Biden.  He is the guy who should be president now.  He is the one ready to move us back to where we were going.  He can build the coalition necessary to move us in the right direction on healthcare, the environment, and other crucial areas.  He will not implement free education and will not give us a $15 federal minimum wage, but none of the candidates will do that.  He is going to till the earth that trump has salted and restore the fertile ground that has led to so many amazing inventions and historic changes our nation brought to the world. He can make us proud again.  

He is not The Answer.  We do not have that yet.  Maybe Michelle will have a token senate run and will be The Answer.  Joe Kennedy.  Stacy Abrams.  Kamala Harris.  There are a number of people out there who could take the reigns as the next big option, and I look forward to that time. What Biden gives us is credibility, unity, and a do over.  

Response Series – The Miseducation of the American Boy – Atlantic Article – My Thoughts

This article is fantastic. The depth that the author goes to engage the subjects interviewed is a stellar example of journalism.

I think much of the problem with masculinity comes from the fact that it is considered preferable over femininity.  Invariably, when describing someone who is masculine, domineering words such has strong, brave, courageous, tough, bold, aggressive, commanding are used.  When people describe femininity, it is usually in submissive terms like soft, kind, considerate, beautiful.  We are conditioned to fill roles from a young age, by seeing those roles played out by our elders and through media.  Even today, the Rock can make two action flicks a year without anyone batting an eye, but when Brie Larson dons a superhero suit and becomes one of the most powerful heroes in cinema history, there are very mixed reactions to this. So, the foundation is laid from an early age…females exist to support males and countering that instinctive code is controversial.

Now, start to extend that foundation to puberty.  Boys are getting more sexually aggressive, and they don’t even understand it, because talking about sex is still so taboo.  They get erections all the time and this feeling of pent up energy that is at once embarrassing and also promoted and congratulated.  Guys are lauded for their sexual prowess and conquests, honored for all the boning, pounding, laying pipe they do while girls are condemned for crossing that virgin line as sluts, whores, dirty.  This starts to open a whole world of problems.  Guys are competing in athletic events where they are pushed to toughen up and be a man.  Girls are encouraged to explore more cerebral efforts.  When they explore their athletic side, invariably they are forced into one of two categories…hot objects of physical perfection, or butch lesbians, as if they are impinging on the male dominated space.  

We hear the stories of the drunk girl who passes out at a party and boys take advantage of that situation. It is a traumatic breech of trust, but the boys who do this are just fulfilling the objective they have been driven to accept their entire lives, that the conquest of women is a desirable goal.

Knowing that this is all wrong and should change, what can be done about it?  For the foreseeable future, we will face families who are stuck in the 1950’s raising boys to be awful men.  They will always look for opportunities to complete their fantasies at the expense of their victims.  This is why feminists who argue that women should not be told to use caution under certain circumstances are so infuriating.  Absolutely the ideal situation is for a woman to feel completely comfortable to drink to excess, collapse on a bed for a few hours, and never expect to be violated.  The problem is that we do not enjoy that ideal experience.  I would much rather empower my daughter to be prepared for what exists than to act in a manner inconsistent with reality.

The other opportunity we have is to encourage others to engage when something is wrong.  I would expect that every single rapist, sexual predator, or other person willing to violate or attack others based on their unbridled masculinity has demonstrated improper behavior in front of an audience.  Let’s start raising our kids to be people who will not tolerate that.  Make the world inhospitable to this behaviors.  When you see someone catcalling women, don’t wait for her to act, gather a few people and call them out.  Be willing to stand up to this nonsense as part of a team.  Remain vigilant.  

This can all be fixed, but, as with so many other issues, society has to change. Our awareness of our instincts must be heightened rather than condemned, so we can appropriately manage natural urges. We have to encourage other traits in our children, ones that develop respect for others. We have work to do, and have to be willing to do it.

New Years resolutions are bullshit, but I am going to change some things

I cannot figure out why a day at the beginning of a calendar earns such a precious space in our personal itinerary for making changes. We should just own up to our failures immediately and correct them. For some reason, the beginning of a new year initiates this desire to have a clean slate and start fresh. So, in the spirit of new beginnings, here are some things I am going to try…

  1. Fitness – I am going to exert myself once a day, without fail. This sounds like one of those crazy ultimatums we give ourselves on January 1st only to watch it be ignored before the end of the month. In this case, there simply is no excuse. I sleep every day. I eat every day. Hell, I watch TV and bitch at someone on Facebook every day. Now I need to just make activity a habit.
  2. Lair – I could say “for some reason, I always end up at a coffee shop doing things.” Fact is, I know why. My office is a disaster. Everything about the area screams “your shit is not together”. When I go to a coffee shop, the bills, the cracks in the walls, the neighbors, the WiFi, the temperature, they are all not my responsibility. I now need to purge and organize my space, a lair where I want to be creative and productive. I need to surround myself with music and art that supports my mental health. I can brew my own damn coffee (and it is damn fantastic) and make my own grilled sandwiches and other goodies.
  3. Mental health – I did a terrible job caring for myself last year. It was a huge struggle where I dedicated myself to things and people who will never acknowledge my value. I won’t always be able to insulate myself from situations that are troubling or frustrating, but I can do more to prepare myself and to hit my “welp, I no longer give a fuck” button.
  4. Creative expression – I have a lot of ideas and passions, but I allow them to overwhelm me. Will I ruin a canvass? Will I delete the wrong photo? Will my essay piss someone off? I have to strive to dispose of the hurdles that prevent achievement.
  5. Suffering fools – I have to be real with myself…I will never have a lot of patience for certain characteristics, behaviors, or personalities. If I am too smart to have to deal with some people, then I am smart enough to let those morons hang themselves while I come out looking like the good guy. I can always deliver the proverbial kick to the teeth if needed.

There we go. That is the plan. No promises, but if I follow them, I may have a better year.

The land I love

Protruding granite and soil
Silent definition of power and time.
Towering peaks covered in snow.
Mountains define nature’s quiet strength.

Shimmering rustle of silver and yellow.
Flashing against an azure background.
White bark piercing the sky.
Aspens define nature’s palette.

Tinkling and trickling.
Beginning as a bubbling stream.
Gathering resources as it flows.
Rivers define nature’s persistence.

Arbitrary borders attempt to confine the beauty.
Assigning it to one set of political entities.
But the ferocious intensity cannot be contained.
My heart beats in the landscape that is the Rockies.